WiFi engagement
Obtain the most from your WiFi infrastructure
while eliminating complexity.

Guest WiFi and seamless customer login
InPiazza Platform is designed to allow customers to make the best out of their WiFi infrastructure.
InPiazza captive portal can be easily customized in order to create catchy, tailored landing pages, to provide multiple and seamless log-in and welcome back options while ensuring the highest level of security and the appropriate infrastructure sizing.

WiFi Engagement
Customized landing page
Define your communication
message and start engaging
with your customers
WiFi vendor independent

Traffic Management
Differentiate traffic management
policies by location and user
Track usage and user behaviour
Access your dashboard via APP

User Profiling
Capture visitors information via
social log-ins
Collect and analyse user profiles
to run more effective targeted
Leverage WiFi as a cornerstone
of your customer loyalty and
caring strategy

Social Interaction
Engage with your customers
when they are ready to listen
Ask them to interact with your
Nurture and reward your most
loyal customers
inPiazza platform allows you to
- Accelerate deployment of new initiatives without the need to install additional software or hardware.
- Be compliant with any privacy and data protection regulations.
- Manage any WiFi service and product upgrades from a single cloud-based dashboard.
- Track traffic and usage with analytics at company level and in each single site.
Flexible first time user login

Social Login
Access via
Facebook, Twitter,
Google, Instagram,

SMS Registration
Registration and
validation via simple

Truncated Call
Avoid SMS costs.
Simplified foreign

Click and Surf
No registration,
immediate access

Mail and Surf
Authentication via

Scratch Card
Access via one time

Group Code
Access for a user
group with shared
single code

OpenID Protocol
authentication via

Pay and Surf
Payment and
invoicing via Paypal

Public Identity Mgmt
Public identity
Seamless welcome back
Use of local WiFi tends to be associated with superior customer experiences.
Simpler welcome back mechanisms lead to satisfied customers and higher engagement.

User is identified just the first time.
When returning, user is sent to a Welcome Back page with simplified authentication.
User MAC address is stored and identified.
A NAS is opened straight from the connection, ensuring a home-like connectivity experience.
Effective traffic and policy management
Time based
Policy associated with pre-defined time limits (e.g. max 8 hours / day or validity just for 24 hours).
Bandwidth based on user profile
Pre-defined uploads and download traffic limits for each user (e.g. 4 Mb/s in downlink, 500 kb/s
in uplink)
Traffic based on user profile
Traffic is defined upfront (e.g. 512 Mbyte / day or 2Gbyte / month etc.)
Once user reaches a given threshold, then a new bandwidth is automatically assigned (e.g. 4
hours / day with no limits; 500 kb/s limit after 4th hour)